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Registration of Patents and Utility Models

1. The first step is to consult with a patent attorney, who will explain the process of applying for a patent or UV and specify the nature of the documents required.

2. Delivery of the necessary documentation to our office. To prepare a patent or UV application, we need:

  • The signed original power of attorney in two copies  Power of attorney
  • Description of the technical solution and its variants (resp. Notes from the inventor's activity)
  • Illustration of the technical solution and its variants
  • Method of using the technical solution
  • Advantages over the prior art

3. Elaboration of a search, where the representative, by going through patent databases, confirms or refutes the alleged novelty of the invention and recommends a method of protection of the invention, and in case of interest also the possibility of its protection abroad.

4. Classification of the invention according to the international classification
The description of the processing invention and the patent claims according to the technical solution in cooperation with the inventor/applicant.

6. After approval of the document by the inventor/applicant, the application for a patent or utility model is prepared and filed.

7. Track the case for registration.

8. Monitoring of patent or UV retention periods.